Thursday, May 30, 2013

Medical Clinic

Goldfish were a hit and if placed just-so in between his "fingers", he could feed himself.  We had fun with this and when he dropped one, Dawson laughed and laughed.

Dawson with his new friend, Peter.  Peter is 11 and is being adopted by Mary Margaret and her husband Scott.  Peter is doing amazingly well in his adjustment!  This family has been a tremendous blessing to me!  We have spent each day together since I arrived in Guangzhou, received our new sons together, prayed together over numerous meals, and have developed a lasting friendship.  I thank God that they are here with me and that they live only a few hours from us!

Dawson is still loving his lamb and continues to come out of  his shell more and more.  He is much more lively now and even a little naughty at times!  He refuses to look at the camera when he is not in a photogenic mood.  He also flips that head around when I try to wipe his nose or mouth - if he doesn't want it wiped.  Yep, he is a typical 2 year old : )

At the medical  clinic- prior to the traumatic needle stick. TB is now tested with a blood test rather than the skin test as before. Parents are not allowed in the room and since Dawson has only little arms, his blood draw was from his foot. As Elvin said in referring to the room for the blood draw as the "magic room", "Child goes in the room happy, comes out sad."

A Dum-Dum sucker helped the tears disappear!

Dawson weighs 11 kg and is 88 cm tall. 
We will know his TB result in a day or two.   Praying it's negative so we don't have to go down the same path we did with Leiney Grace!
Dawson and I are doing well with bonding. He sleeps well and thankfully I have been too.  Tomorrow we are visiting the Banyun Temple.  I have never been and since Dawson is from this province, I thought we should go to capture some pictures of his home province and its history.
Thank you again for your prayers, comments, and emails.
We can't wait to get home! 


  1. I am loving each day to see how the day has gone and what all you have done!! So thankful Dawson is adjusting to your Mama love!

  2. Jan, praying each day for you. Dawson is so handsome! I love his smile! My computer has not let me type in a comment so far so we'll see if this works. Can't wait for you to get back home. Love, Kim

  3. Thinking about you and praying for you!
