Sunday, May 26, 2013


As I ate breakfast alone overlooking the beautiful water oasis and gardens, I enjoyed watching this little girl enthusiastically feed the fish as her mom and newly adopted sibling looked on.  It made me a little homesick for my 3 sweet Asian daughters. 

After finishing a delicious breakfast that will serve as lunch too, I walked outside to enjoy God's beautiful creation.  I continued to marvel at God's goodness as I watched several adoptive families interacting and having photo shoots among the scenic gardens of our hotel.  Of course, I was longing to hold Dawson all the more when I spotted a little boy with a limb difference.  As I was debating heading back to my room, one of the mothers whom I had been watching, began to walk up to the patio smiling at me.  Of course, I smiled back and then she said "You look so familiar!"  Long story short, she has been following my blog since 2007 - she remembered Lilly's hospital tour here in China, she remembered us adopting several children needing heart surgery - amazing!  She and her family just adopted #11 and 12- they get it!  They understand why I am here adopting #9.  Then as we were talking, she shared with me about their adopted daughter who is 7 and has only one hand who is now doing round-off back handsprings and an aerial.  WOW!  Then the moment that almost brought me to tears, she asked if I had anyone to take pictures for me of Dawson's Gotcha Day and when I replied only my guide and the other family who would be there, Tamera offered to go with me to meet Dawson!  I hugged and thanked her and just marveled at God's provision to me on this trip.   What a tremendous and most unexpected blessing! 
I have been listening to worship music, praying, and reflecting on God's plan for my life.  I am so humbled and in awe.  This morning as I read my Bible several verses really spoke to me.

". . .bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."
Isaiah 43:6, 7

". . .Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.  When you pass through the waters (or go to China alone), I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire, you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
Isaiah 43: 1-3

I am 40 minutes away from heading to the lobby to meet Tamera, the Johnstone family, and our guide Elvin and then we will all head to the Civil Affairs building.  I am so ready to meet my newest son and I know that the Lord God has prepared me for this journey and provided everything I need.
Praise His Name!

God's latest blessing to me on this trip alone. . .


  1. I know you are not surprised to find that God provided someone to be with you! In the beginning you probably prayed for someone to be with you when you went to get Dawson. God did not provide a person to travel with you because He knew you would be fine. He did answer your prayer when He put you and Tamera in the same place at the same time so that she could be with you when you went to get Dawson. He never fails to amaze me. .....and you are pretty amazing too!
    I was awakened during the night at 2:33 and I started praying! Can't wait to see photos of you and baby Bryant!

  2. Jan, loved finally getting to read your blog updates. So great to have met some great friends. I can't wait to see you and Dawson and hope things are going well for you! And I added pictures!!

  3. Love how God has placed wonderful people in your path to assist you on this journey! God is good, all the time!

  4. I remember spending the morning before getting Cami in that how God provided!!
