Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Different Dawson

Before bed last night, Dawson was still in shock.

He slept well in his crib and cried out only once.  A few soft pats, and he fell back asleep until 7 15 this monring.

He did not like the bath or the shower, but he did get clean.

And once he knew we were preparing to leave the hotel room, he became quite cheerful.

Dawson is officially a member of our family and no more one of the forgotten!  Praise God!

Elvin, our fantastic guide for the 3rd time, was interacting with Dawson.  He said he understood a lot.  Here, Elvin told Dawson to "Give me a hug" and he did.  Then Elvin said "Give Mama a hug" and little Dawson walked right over to me and gave me a wonderful hug.

Dawson's nickname is "Chip" short for chipmunk.  Do you notice the bulge in his left cheek?  He pockets his food at the end of each meal.  Here he has a wad of breakfast sausage.  He takes a little bite every now and again.  He still had it pocketed at 12 30 when it was time to eat lunch.  He agreed to spit it out in my hand to get some fresh Ramen noodles in our room.  This is a first for me although I know it is certainly a common orphanage behavior.  Any tips? 

Dawson can hold his cup!

Dawson loves his lamb.  He asked for it this morning before we left the hotel. 

We went shopping on Shaiman Island after nap time today.  Dawson loved these "Kissing Pigs".  Once you pull them apart, they make noise and one wobbles back over to the other.  he was so happy when I handed it to him!

At dinner at Cow and Bridge, which was quite tasty, Mary Margaret had Dawson all giggly from her tickles.

As Dawson felt much more comfortable tonight, he finally played with some of the toys I brought.  He AMAZED me with what he can do with his feet and his little arm. He prefers nesting the cups for now rather than stacking and can do them all physically by himself, but he does need some help on getting all the sizes in order. 
Today has been a great day.  I am seeing a glimpse of Dawson's personality ,and he is truly precious!  His smile lights up a room, and his laugh is adorable. He is such a people person.  He speaks to people as we walk through the lobby and waves with his arm.  He is quite the little charmer as my aunt already pegged him!
I am so blessed to be his mama and stand in awe of God's goodness and provision for us..
Thank you for your prayers and sweet comments and emails.


  1. Happy to see that things are going well! None of mine did the chipmunk cheek. I'm sure someone else will have suggestions. I love the nickname "Chip".

    He is so stinkin' cute, Jan!!

    John John is #1 on the waiting list for the preschool's 4 yr old class. Yay!! :)

  2. So precious! Love the pics and updates...I await them daily!! Praying!

  3. Kemmy did not do the chipmunk cheek, but she was always shoving more food before finishing what was in her mouth. I started calmly holding her hand & having her show me what was in her mouth was "all gone!" before taking another bite. I showed her by my example (I took a bite of food, dramatically chewed, swallowed, & showed her all gone...probably looked like a complete goober, but it worked!). Every once in awhile, even after being home a year, she will do it, but it just takes a quick reminder. Bless their hearts, the survival skills they learn!

  4. He is precious. Prayers you are doing well on this solo adventure. I guess it's not "solo" anymore though!!! :) Prayers for Dawson in all the big changes in his life right now. Blessings, Jennifer

  5. Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to see him complete the row at TPC- we just love love love your precious family!!!

  6. Yea! So happy things are going better. Ainsley doesn't store her food, but the girl can eat! Oh my goodness! If I didn't make her stop I'm sure she would vomit!

  7. Congratulations. Dawson is so sweet.
    Every day we look at your blogspot. The last days we look several times a day. We enjoy the photo's and your beautiful son.

    Greetings from The Netherlands, Monique and Edward.
    Big kiss to Dawson from Jian.

  8. What an amazing little boy! Love Dawson's smile. So glad things are going so well.

  9. Jan, you are doing great as a solo traveling mama! And just look at your boy! He's about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Melts my heart to look at that sweet face. So glad he's doing so well.

    You are traveling with my friend Joy, and I'm so excited about that! And then, I see you met Tamera! She was waiting for her older daughter from Chenzhou when we were there getting Ellie. Tamera and I corresponded a bit and we were able to meet Blythe and take her to lunch one of the days. What a small world!

    Congratulations, to YOU and Dawson! I'm so happy for you both!


  10. We knew he could do that with his feet....We caught Malia trying to do it a few days after we picked her up. Then she began to SOB, she missed him! We'd seen pictures of her playing with him with the stacking cups and knew exactly what she was thinking ;-) So wonderful to see him smiling for you! As for the food pouching, it gets better.

  11. Thankful things are going well and praying for the rest of your trip. Love seeing all these cute pictures.

  12. Our ZJ-er, Sophie (9), still does the chipmunk thing at the very end of meals when her belly is getting full. It's like her brain catches up with her stomach and she realizes she can't eat any more. She does it completely unconsciously. We brought her home before she was even eating table food, so....I dunno.

    I love that you have a glimpse into his normal life, and that Hil knew what was in Malia's head. These kinds of things could make all a.mommies' questions lessen a ton, and would be so helpful if we only knew more. They're certainly far from little blank slates. So much change for their little hearts to process. <3

  13. Jan, Oh those eyes of his just pull at my heart. We dealt with that CWI behaviour aswell (with food) with Ping. She still struggles with it honestly (she is home 3.5 yrs now from Z) Message me if I can offer any support...... Lifting you up my fellow Z mom!
