Dawson's shirt says "Enthusiast"- He was anything but an enthusiast with all the drastic changes he endured today! He was dressed in red, white, and blue. Not sure if that was interntional or not. |

That was our Gotcha Day in pictures. I will go into more detail later but to sum up little Dawson - he has been very stoic and in shock for most our time together. When interacting with his Ayi and one of the orphanage workers, he would perk up, share a beautiful smile, and utter some words in his adorably sweet voice. However, other than that, he has been utterly scared to death. He did not cry until we were back in the hotel room for some time. He cried and cried, but as I started putting my shoes on and then his shoes on, he smiled and spoke a few words. I bet he thought I was taking him back to his Ayi. Poor precious baby. He tolerated the carrier well, and we ate Chinese food at a nearby restauarnt. He accepts food from me and ate well. He did allow me to put his PJs on, drank a few sips of his bottle, and fell asleep in my arms. He is sleeping in his crib now. I am praying that the Lord will allow him to find peace and comfort with me. I know it will take time.
Thank you for all of your prayers and for the encouraging comments. A huge thank you to Tamera and her daughter Breanna for great pictures and video!