Saturday, June 1, 2013

Exploring Guangzhou Part 2

Blogger is working much better this AM. Here are the rest of the pictures from our visit to the Banyan Temple in Guangzhou.
The grounds were beautiful - both the architecture and the landscaping.  The Magnolia tree was a welcome reminder of my southern home.  I'm starting to become a little homesick : (

Here is one of the many Buddahs at this temple.  This one is unique though because she is the only female Buddah. Many Chinese pray to her for fertility, children, as well as for protection and health for their children and grandchildren.  People bring offerings of juice and fruit as well as burn incense.  Then we saw a grounds keeper come and swipe up all of the incense from one of the offering tables and throw them into the garbage.  We were a bit surprised by this as we expected that discarding the offerings would be done at night when the worshippers were no longer present.  It's so sad to watch people worship a false god knowing that they likely really believe that these statues can offer them hope, health, prosperity, etc.  I wish I could have shared with each of these desperate souls about the one and only true source of hope and everlasting life.

This building has spaces for rent.  When Elvin told us that, I was quite puzzzled.  He then explained that some Chinese people will rent a small space and place a picture of their dead relatives so that the Buddist monks can pray over them for a better outcome in their next life. When we walked inside, it was heartbreaking to look at hundreds of pictures of dead Chinese people who likely were lost souls at the time of their death.  Sadder still is knowing that their relatives, who are still alive, are lost souls too. So very sad.
Dawson is relaxing at the 6 Banyan Temple.


  1. Beautiful! Confused by what you mean lost soul. Lost because they do not know Jesus? I believe nothing is lost to The Lord. If they never had an opportunity to know God, then how can they be lost. I
