This dress was first worn by Lilly on October 17, 2007 - her 2nd birthday. I am so glad I saved it. It fit Lucy Rose perfectly. She is so tiny just like Lilly was.
Lucy Rose enjoyed her 2nd birthday although she was a bit unsure of what all the celebration was about. YOU. . .sweet girl we were celebrating you!
Lucy Rose obviously did not know what we wanted her to do . but someone eventually blew out her candles.
Opening presents was also a 1st for our girl, but she had plenty of helpers to get the job done.
Ethan celebrated his 12th birthday in October. He chose a Minion cake and was excited to get an Enu. He and Leiney Grace, only 6 months apart, are the best of friends. We were always concerned with out of birth order adoption, but God led us to the perfect virtual twin for Ethan. They compliment one another so well and have the best of times together.
Lilly also celebrated a birthday in October. Her 10th - where does the time go! She chose to have a pool party back in August so we had a low-key celebration with homemade cookie cake - her favorite!
Life with Lucy Rose as the caboose of our family is going beautifully. It is hard to believe it has already been 2 months since Katie and I met her on the other side of the world. It takes a while for the true personality of an adopted child to surface, and it has been amazing to watch our new little one blossom. SO here are some things we have learned about our girl these last few months.
Lucy Rose. . .sweet. . .most always smiling. . loves to be held -ALOT. . .loves to eat. . .has a sweet tooth like her mama. . .does not care much for toys. . .her cell phone and stacking cup are the few exceptions. . .loves books. . .babbles and is learning a few signs. . .has learned to say "more", "bye bye", "mama", "pup pup", "poop" (poops in the potty now about half of the time). . .loves to mimic my facial expressions. . .LOVES BIG. . .is a tough girl (4 blood draws in one sitting and only whimpered for the last 2). . .is an amazing gift from the Lord!
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