I am not afraid of adopting a child with no hands. I am not afraid
of being the mother of 9 children. Yet I am scared to death to tell
my husband and children good bye and walk away towards airport
security BY. MYSELF.
This journey will not be easy for me.
Yet I have known for a long time that adoption is not easy.
When we spent 9 days in various Chinese hospitals with Lilly
back in 2007, I learned quickly that adoption is not easy and not
for the faint of heart. When we arrived home from China and
David drove Lilly and me from the airport to the hospital where
she was admitted, I knew adoption was anything but easy.
Yet tonight I needed a reminder and God provided as He always
"My friends, adoption is redemption. It’s costly, outrageous, expensive, excruciating & exhausting. Buying back lives costs so much. When God set out to redeem us, it killed him."
~Derek Loux
I needed a reminder that I am walking in my Savior's shoes. I am
His vessel to redeem one of His children and when I am weak, He
is strong.
I know God will equip me for what lies ahead on this adoption journey.
The long plane ride BY. MYSELF.
The juggling of a grieving 2 year old, paperwork, luggage, cameras, and other stuff necessary for us to live for 2 weeks in China waiting for the adoption to be completed.
The loneliness that I dread to feel sitting alone in a hotel room in China - jetlagged and scared to fall asleep too early because then I will wake up too early - alone again.
The fear of Dawson rejecting me and having to endure that ALL. BY. MYSELF half way around the world from family and friends.
Yet God is bigger than all of my fears. He called us to this child
knowing full well that I would make the journey alone. I know
He will be there with me ALL. THE. TIME.
On the long plane ride.
While I juggle a grieving 2 year old and all our stuff.
In the hotel room when I feel lonley.
So tonight I cling to the One who created Dawson and who
created me. To the one who ordained the exact moment in time
when Dawson and his mommy will meet for the very first time on
the other side of the world.
A little boy abandoned in a China town days after his birth and an
ordinary mom who chose to lay her selfish desires aside in
order to follow HIM -
to the least of these.
"My grace is sufficient for you
for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:10 |